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Terms and Conditions of dog grooming services


Hi there, Welcome to The Fluff Shack dog grooming, below you will find some information on how our salon operates. Your dog’s welfare and comfort are paramount to us, by booking an appointment with The Fluff Shack dog grooming you automatically agree to be bound by these terms, set out here. If you disagree with any part of the terms, then with regret we will be unable to groom your pet. From time to time the terms and condition may be amended and any changes can be found on our website. All your data is confidential and will not be shared with any third party. You must ensure your dog is healthy enough to be groomed by us and update changes in your pet’s health or temperament or your personal details to allow us to continue to provide a service tailored to your pet’s needs. If you are unsure and/or would like to ask any questions about our terms and conditions please do not hesitate to ask us.




It is the customers responsibility to ensure their pet is fit and healthy for grooming. They must be up to date with their vaccinations, flea & tick treatments and where required, treated as advised by their veterinarian for any long-term ailments that ensure their well-being. Customers must provide accurate information regarding any long-term health conditions about their pet before they are accepted for any grooming service.

We will not be held liable for any illness, disease, ailment that may be contracted if a customer’s pet is not protected.




Some dogs dislike being groomed, it can make them upset and stressed, but it is a necessity for the rest of their life, it is important to us for your dog to be able to enjoy or at least tolerate the process for their own benefit, we do not exceed their tolerance to get a perfect look if your dog is particularly struggling with any aspect of the grooming process, as this could result in aggressive behaviour or an accident.  We are trained to handle this type of behaviour. Whilst your pet is in our care its health and welfare are our primary concern. We will work with your pet and workaround or alternative will be employed, this may mean the groom takes longer due to comfort breaks or occasionally splitting the groom to two sessions to reduce their stress levels. We will always all to discuss this with you.


Occasionally during grooming a pre-existing condition may be discovered which you may not have been aware of. We will notify you of this so that you can seek veterinary advice. The Fluff Shack are not liable for any pre-existing conditions & problems found during the grooming & the owner agrees to pay for all medical treatment incurred due to such.

Although extremely unlikely, accidents can happen during grooming. In the event of an accident or serious medical issue arising during your pet’s groom you authorise us to seek emergency veterinary treatment.

The Fluff Shack must be notified within 24 hours if there is a problem. If you believe that your dog has been injured due to the grooming process you must seek veterinary advice within 48 hours. The Fluff Shack will require a full written veterinary report stating the cause of the injury being specific to the grooming process for us to accept any liability or negligence




The Fluff Shack dog grooming do not accept aggressive dogs, we require that you disclose when booking if your dog exhibits any difficult/fearful or aggressive behaviour such if your pet bites; has bitten; is aggressive towards people and/or other animals and shows aggressive behaviour by any specific grooming procedure, and in the event that your pet is showing signs of aggression, PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) e.g., Muzzles & firmer Restraints may be used to prevent injury to either pet or groomer. We reserve the right to terminate a groom due to aggressive behaviour and you will be charged the starting price of the groom. We will call you to collect your dog immediately. All costs are payable in full at the time you collect your pet. Although we are fully insured against accident and injury, customers agree that any costs incurred from injuries or damaged equipment sustained by uncontrollable behaviour by their pet will be the sole responsibility of the owner.




Please ensure you drop your dog off on time as this affects the full day running of the salon, our appointments are timed to each dog, please ensure your dogs are brought into the salon on a lead.

Please call if you are running up to 15 minutes late or this may incur a charge, clients arriving more than 15 minutes late for their appointment may be considered a missed appointment and will need to re-book, this will incur a charge of 50% of the cost of the groom. If you need an earlier drop off/later collection time due to other commitments, please discuss this with us when booking and we will always do our best to accommodate you.

Prior to drop off please ensure that your dog has been given the opportunity to relieve themselves before being groomed, as this will ensure they get the maximum enjoyment out of the groom or advise me if this is not the case.




Most grooms take between 1-3 hours, on occasion this may be longer depending on dog’s temperament. I will always phone you 15-20 minutes before collection in order for you to collect within this time scale. If you do not collect your dog within this period a late fee may apply. This is charge at £5 per 15 minutes (from 15mins late) dog sitting fee. We aim to minimise stress levels to your dog; we like to reunite you as soon as I can. Please phone me if you are running late. We understand that from time-to-time unforeseen circumstances may arise and you may need extra 5-10 minutes to get to the salon.




We respectfully request 48 hours’ notice if you need to cancel your pet’s appointment. We understand that unforeseen issues may arise, this allows us to fill the appointment. The slot can then be resold.

Less than 24 hours’ notice will incur fee of 50% of your usual groom price to be paid before your next appointment. If you do not show and do not contact us, if we are unable to fill the appointment and you would like to rebook, you will be required to pay the starting cost of the groom you missed plus the cost of the new groom.

I understand life happens and there are unavoidable circumstances please let us know as we do not double book appointments; a no-show is lost income.




We are caring groomers, we will not cause your dog any pain or suffering in accordance to the animal welfare act 2006, we will assess matting and decide on the best course of action with your dog’s comfort in mind and we can remove some knots by brushing them out for up to 15 minutes only, if there is knotting which may take longer to brush out, and we feel your dog shows no signs of discomfort we will call you to discuss, there will be an extra charge as the groom will take longer. Where possible we will inform you if your dog's coat needs to be clipped off, due to the severity and nature of matting. As this process will take longer (your dog will require regular comfort breaks) than a regular groom, it also causes damage to our equipment which will need sharpening, you will incur an additional charge from £3-£25+ depending on severity and length of time the groom takes to complete.

Clients agree to read and sign our de – matting policy and agree to any additional charges that may apply




Clients are required to inform us if their dog has fleas prior to the appointment, to avoid cross contamination, however, we understand that sometimes you may not notice. If we find fleas during your pets grooming session, your dog will receive a flea bath which will help to kill all the fleas living on your dog. This will incur an extra charge of £15 for the products used to treat the dog, salon fumigation and deep clean. See our after-care page for tips on how to manage infestation.




You will be given honest feedback after every groom. If you have any queries or need further clarification, please just ask or contact us at a later stage. to disclose any details of your pet’s groom or advise you about how best to care for your pet’s coat.

Client satisfaction is very important to us, if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the groom, please be honest and discuss any issues you may have before posting negative comments on social media. In this way, we have the ability to communicate directly to you. In the event you have left the salon please inform me within 48 hours. If applicable any reasonable requests to alter the trim will be dealt with as soon as possible or will be noted for the next groom appointment. We endeavour to give you a great experience, we are open to client feedback and will adapt the groom accordingly where possible.




All prices discussed over the telephone or messages are approximate starting from prices and assumes that your dog is used to being professionally groomed as per recommended grooming schedule, coat is in reasonable condition, that the dog is within the standard size/weight for the breed & also that the dog is happy to be groomed with no behavioural issues that may cause a longer groom time. The final price will be given at the end of the appointment and the price will be adjusted accordingly if your dog does not meet these assumptions.  Payments should be made before leaving the salon, paid by bank transfer, cash or debit card.




Your pet may be photographed before, during or after its groom. Photographs may be used on our website or social media. Please let us know if you prefer you pet not to be photographed. If you are happy with the way I have groomed your dog, both in terms of how he or she looks, or the caring way in which I treat all dogs, please feel free to post photos or add a review on social media, including my Facebook page and google reviews.

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